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Total fees(With Security Deposit): $1040Ship Bottom. Ocean Block. Beach Badges. WIFI.
Ocean Block Condo, no streets to cross. Centrally located to all Ship Bottom has to offer. Restaurants, Pizza, Bakery, Ice Cream, Mini-Golf, Shopping and more. This updated Condo is open space living with/an updated kitchen, granite countertops, and stainless steel appliances. The bedroom has a queen-size bed. The living room sofa is a full-size sleeper. There are two smart TV s one in the living room and the other in the bedroom. The refrigerator is apartment size. There are two shared outside showers with changing rooms also a coin-operated washer & dryer on premises. Patio table and grill are shared. Four (4) Beach Badges provided (if loss of badge it will be the responsibility of the guest to replace). On street parking only.
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